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House Bill 255 and Senate Bill 56

Currently, anyone that wants to practice “relaxation massage only” can do so without a license. Most of the population doesn’t have a clue they assume their massage therapist is licensed. Definitely not the case and with this loophole it makes it harder to enforce human trafficking and smuggling cases. Also, Senate Bill 56, is legislation pending for the interstate massage compact…this would allow therapists to obtain a license with the compact and you can practice in any state within the compact. Would make it easier for military spouses, union spouses and others that may need to practice in another state. ​

How to Support SB231 and SB232

Economic Equality: In late February, our Immediate Past State President, Stephanie Bridwell, had the opportunity to speak at the Ohio Senate in support of Senate Bills 231 and 232. HICKS-HUDSON, SMITH INTRODUCE PAY EQUITY LEGISLATION February 27, 2024 These bills are officially on the docket. It is our job to write our Ohio Senators, especially the committee members, and encourage their support of this legislation. The Ohio 135th General Assembly - SB 231 The Ohio 135th General Assembly - SB 232 Links to key legislators. Contact each of them and show your support for Senate Bills 231 and 232. Bill Sponsor Senator Kent Smith Bill Sponsor Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson Committee Chair Senator George Lang Committee Vice Chair Shane Wilkins Ranking Member Senator Vernon Sykes Committee Member Senator Al Landis Committee Member Senator Michel Rull

ERA: Thank-you to Kathy Telban for the information.  PUBLISH THE ERA! 


Publish the ERA


Health: I'm sure we all know someone who has suffered from breast cancer. This article explains your rights post-op to reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. 


Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act


Victim's Rights: Please write (letter or email) to your State Senators to move this bill through the Senate and on to the Governor. 


Increase sentence range for third degree felony domestic violence


Finance: As women we all need to think about retirement. Finances have been a big part of my life recently. This article will shed some light on the state of women after retirement. 


Women & Retirement


Economic Equity:  I'm now single. Can I buy a house by myself? Should I wait and get remarried so I have the benefit of a spouse? This article explains the pros and cons of owning your own property. 


Can I keep my husband off the deed?


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